Besides playing bass in bands and projects I also record and release music under the name UGI since 2019.
This piece of music I created was done so in solitude in my home studio in the Spring of 2020. I felt an intrinsic urge to create while the world stood still. This track kept resonating and the idea to complement it with dance was born. Dancer Esmée Le Can (Dance Academy Tilburg) responded with incredible enthusiasm to the music and idea. In filmmaker and musician Rick Wiegerinck (Brix media, Vana) I found the right person to creatively capture and render the idea in film. Director Jennine Grootemarsink (Toneelacademie Maastricht) became involved and was pivotal in inspiring and amplifying the movement and images helping to tie the project together.
This film the first in a serie.
You can watch the film Cortisol here.
You can listen to the audio is on spotify and bandcamp.